Colleague Self Service
Colleague Self-Service is an interactive web application that enables users to interact with information in the Colleague database. Self Service can be accessed through the portal in specific function tiles based on your constituency, or through the following link
Currently, some of the features available in Self-Service are listed below.
- View/Update My Information (Chosen Name, Preferred Pronoun, Address, Email Address, Phone)
- Student Planning
- Search for Courses
- Plan your terms and schedule
- Register for Classes
- View My Progress/Program Evaluation
- Course Catalog
- Student Finance and make a payment online
- Financial Aid information
- Grades
- Graduation Overview / submit Graduation Application
- Unofficial Transcript Request
- Advisee Registration, Planning, and Program Evaluation
- Course Catalog
- View Class Roster
- View/Update My Information (Chosen Name, Preferred Pronoun, Address, Email Address, Phone)
- Tax Information
- Student Account Staff – Student Finance Information
- Financial Aid Staff – Student Financial Aid Information
Documentation on Above Features/Functionality:
Student Planning Video Tutorials
Student Planning: Register from Plan
Student Planning: Plan and Schedule
Self Service and Aviso (Video explanation of the differences and intersection of Self Service and Aviso)