Upon logging in to Experience you can access Workflow from the Workflow button
Depending on your permissions you could be presented with more than one Workflow queue as you could be part of a Business Process workflow process in something like Admissions or Registrar for instance. But you could also be the owner of an AP workflow queue to approve invoices, travel reimbursements, or some sort of other document type.
Once you have chosen a workflow you will be seeing a return of documents in your workflow – something like this –
Much like opening any other document click on the document you’d like to open. Once open it will be displayed like any other document and you will see the Thumbnails, main Document viewing window, as well as the Document Properties tab. The top menu’s document manipulation tasks now will also include Workflow related buttons.
The main document manipulation menu across the top now featuring several workflow related buttons.
The new buttons that are available in workflow are outlined below:
The workflow process involves reviewing a document and then annotating it (stamping it). In this case the document we’re viewing in test is the P-Card Expense Log of an employee (Doug) in his supervisor’s queue. Doug’s supervisor would then review the expenses on the form and when they want to sign off on Doug’s document, they would annotate it and route it forward by clicking the “Route Forward” button.
In most of the AP related queues that are designed for document review and stamping this will be the only choice there is – “Sequential Auto”. This is the default route forward and what should be used in the majority of cases in the AP workflows. There are other non-AP workflows for business departments that have other choices, you will generally then see the names of those queues as your choices to route forward to.
You can see an example of that from the “Route Back” button
As a reminder the options you see are related to the permissions your account has assigned to it. For the most part people won’t be routing documents back unless there is a problem.
Once the document has been annotated and routed forward you should no longer see that item in your workflow queue.